
Utility Cyber Security Forum

Chicago Conference Center, Chicago, Illinois

The Utility Cyber Security Forum is focused on providing real-world preparation to utilities and other energy providers for successfully dealing with cyber security threats. Critical precautions and enabling technologies are examined in detail, with the aim of preparing utilities for the threats that confront their unique type of industrial control systems and supervisory control and data acquisition infrastructures. The forum fosters group discussion of critical challenges and strategies for addressing them successfully, as well as ample time is set aside to meet with solution providers and refine your cyber security strategy.

Energy providers across the spectrum face the increasingly present threat of cyber-attacks to their critical infrastructure from nation-state actors. These advanced persistent threat groups have the resources and support to mount attacks that are complex, orchestrated, and ever-more sophisticated.

As a leading provider of global consulting services to the commercial and public sectors, Guidehouse helps organizations gather threat intelligence, detect threats, secure data, and strengthen identity access management. Our cybersecurity experts develop strategies to assess risks and vulnerabilities while utilizing technological innovations to prepare and respond. We ensure our clients are prepared to address technology risks, both now and in the future. 

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