
Navigating the Energy Transition and Measuring Success

In an interview with Public Utilities Fortnightly, Michelle Fay shares her insights on the utility's role in the clean energy transition.

In the face of an accelerating energy transition and increasing economic uncertainty, utilities are increasingly being asked to expand into new roles and take on new channels of collaboration across sectors and industries. Michelle Fay, partner at Guidehouse, recently joined Public Utilities Fortnightly at the 2023 Edison Congress to discuss the key priorities and challenges for utilities as the energy transition continues to revolutionize the sector.

"We are going to see more progress in these next five to ten years than we’ve seen in the past hundred" 

— Michelle Fay, Partner, Guidehouse
Fay recognizes the passage of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Act and Inflation Reduction Act as a defining moment for the industry. With billions in federal funding going towards regional hydrogen hubs, transportation electrification, and other clean energy projects, the challenge now is figuring out how to successfully deploy this funding. Fay stresses the importance of utilities rising to meet the challenge of ambitious decarbonization goals with ingenuity and innovation. 

Michelle Fay, Partner

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