Guidehouse Launches ExchangeEU Programme to Support a Just Transition in Europe's Coal Regions

Guidehouse partners with the European Commission to facilitate exchange programme that promotes collaboration among European coal regions

Guidehouse has launched the start of the ExchangeEU programme for European coal regions in transition. At the virtual Just Transition Platform Meeting, stakeholders from coal, lignite, peat, and shale oil regions have been given the opportunity to apply to participate in a region-to-region exchange. 

Guidehouse is leading the consortium that will facilitate exchanges among European coal regions through different exchange formats, ranging from study tours and job shadowing to innovative collaborative approaches. Within the scope of the project, a total of 20 exchanges with up to 40 different regions will be supported. Guidehouse will not only select and match regions but also prepare, implement, and follow up on the exchanges within a period of two years. The exchanges are supported by an online collaboration tool that enables continuous networking and exchange. Public communication and events will share best practice and results with the wider public.

For further information about ExchangeEU, visit the European Commission website.

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