Hybrid Heating Systems in Great Britain Can Help Reach Decarbonisation Targets

In a report for Hybrid Heating Great Britain, Guidehouse highlights a crucial alternative to home heating that employs low carbon alternatives

Policy and strategy to decarbonise heat in Great Britain is at a critical juncture at present. Considerable focus to date has been put on the potential for electric heat pumps, or alternatively to replace existing fossil fuels in current boilers with low carbon alternatives such as hydrogen or biomethane. In a report for Hybrid Heating GB, Guidehouse highlights a third crucial alternative: a hybrid heating system that combines the best elements of both of these

Hybrid heating systems: 

  • Can decarbonise home heating more quickly and cheaply than alternatives, and are ready to be installed today
  • Keep disruption to homes during installation to a minimum and are suitable for more properties than heat pumps alone
  • Allow energy customers to use their appliances and heating system as they do today, reducing the need for significant behavior change
  • Have benefits of smart control systems that enable customers to minimize costs and carbon emissions

The Hybrid Heating Great Britain coalition is a diverse group of energy networks, energy suppliers, and equipment manufacturers committed to the rapid decarbonisation of the building sector in Great Britain, formed to bring clarity to the benefits of hybrid heat solutions.

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