
Cloud Adoption Strategy for High Performance Computing

High Performance Computing has been critical to helping organizations solve their most challenging problems.

As demand for High Performance Computing (HPC) grows, new technologies such as advanced analytics, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are needed to expand the capability of computing environments. However, on-premises HPC systems with even the most current technologies are having difficulty supporting current organizational needs and effectively allocating scarce HPC resources efficiently. The skills required to manage and maintain these systems have increased significantly due to the thousands of computing elements, large storage capacities, and high-speed, low latency networks required to support diverse and complex computations.

Guidehouse has the experience and expertise in high performance computing, technology acquisition strategies, as well as systems integration to help organizations overcome challenges, formulate detailed cloud-adoption plans, and work closely with vendors to successfully implement HPC in the cloud. We work with clients at every level, and at each step in the process, to identify solutions that are aligned with organizational goals, leverage current technologies, enable the organization to operate at a high level of performance, maximize value and successfully navigate the transition.

Robert McNamara, Partner

Hogene Chae, Associate Director

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