
Improving Defense Readiness with Generative AI

Leveraging artificial intelligence to improve operational efficiency, reduce cost, and increase overall reliability.

A single, major weapons system program can account for trillions of dollars in spending over its lifetime. Vast data pools are available on weapons supply chain operations, depot inventory, sensor readouts, testing results, and maintenance reports. This data informs countless critical decisions, impacting both budgets and defense readiness.

Yet despite those high stakes and deep data resources, many defense decisions may rely on snapshots of current posture. Data that is not forward-looking, predictive, or complete contributes to inefficient spending and reduced readiness. In addition, a lack of accurate information may lead to operational issues, such as delayed maintenance, understock and overstock of spare parts, and overlooked patterns of anomalies and impending failures.

Generative AI stands out in the defense sector for its extraordinary capacity to process and interpret diverse and voluminous data sets. Unlike traditional data analytics, generative AI can seamlessly analyze information ranging from intricate sensor data to extensive logistical records. This advanced technology excels in pattern recognition and predictive analytics, offering a proactive approach to defense strategy.

Generative AI can be used to predict maintenance needs, identify supply chain disruptions, and foresee potential system failures. This forward-looking capability is crucial, allowing for early interventions that prevent operational disruptions. Generative AI’s predictive power extends beyond mere data analysis; it can simulate various scenarios, providing strategic insights for defense planning. These capabilities mark a significant shift from reactive to proactive defense management, ensuring higher operational efficiency and readiness.


Generative AI Use Cases

Generative AI has the potential to revolutionize defense readiness, real-world effectiveness, and future potential within the defense sector.

Predictive Maintenance — Consider the use of generative AI in predictive maintenance within aircraft systems. AI algorithms analyze data from aircraft sensors, identifying patterns that precede equipment failure. This approach can significantly reduce unplanned maintenance, ensuring higher availability of aircraft for missions.

Inventory Predictability — Defense supply chains are among the most complicated in the world. Some of the most important defense systems have six or seven tiers of suppliers. By analyzing supply chain data, AI predicts inventory needs, optimizing the stock levels of spare parts. This not only cuts down on excess inventory costs but also ensures that critical components are readily available for mission-critical operations.


How Generative AI Can Help

Large language models (LLMs), which form the heart of generative AI, can address defense industry challenges by analyzing maintenance logs, sensor data, operating manuals, and field-generated insights. After ingesting and learning, traditional AI models can identify patterns and anomalies that can be used to predict failures. Human domain experts can then jump in to fine-tune specific details and help identify significant past maintenance failures to improve the performance of these models.

LLMs can quickly hunt through vast data pools to find evidence of past failures or markers for potential future failures. These insights can then be used by both scheduling algorithms and human experts to create new, superior maintenance schedules to address potential issues before they become faults. This, in turn, reduces unexpected downtime and maintenance costs. Vector databases can store embedded equipment logs, making it easier to further fine-tune repair and ordering protocols to drive more waste out of the industry.

In more advanced implementations, generative AI can perform the tasks of an interactive agent analyst, augmenting or even replacing data analysts in defense programs. With access to not only raw data but deep insights, these agent analysts can answer comprehensive inquiries about systems readiness and prepare reports quickly and efficiently. They can act as a lever and bring more self-service analytic capabilities to defense decision-makers.


Key Benefit Areas

Integrating generative AI into existing defense infrastructures is critical to its adoption. Generative AI is designed to augment, not replace, current systems. It acts as an advanced layer of intelligence, enhancing the capabilities of existing platforms. The integration process, therefore, focuses on interoperability and complementarity, ensuring that generative AI works in tandem with traditional systems. Generative AI can benefit the broader, multi-tiered defense industry by improving reliability and readiness in subsystems across multiple categories of weapons platforms, including:

  • Aircraft systems — Engines, rotors and gearbox, landing gear, avionics
  • Naval systems — Propulsion, electrical, navigation, and communication
  • Weapons systems — Guidance and targeting, barrel wear
  • Ground vehicles — Engines, brakes, transmissions

Through the careful application of AI, Guidehouse has helped customers improve the performance and readiness of weapons platforms and programs.

Looking ahead, the evolution of generative AI promises even more sophisticated applications in defense. Future advancements could include autonomous decision-making systems and more intricate simulation models. However, this growth brings challenges and ethical considerations, such as ensuring robust cybersecurity and maintaining human oversight. Navigating these challenges is essential for realizing the full potential of generative AI in defense readiness while safeguarding against potential risks.


This article is co-authored by Bassel Haidar and Gray Kirkmyer.

Bassel Haidar, Director

Gray Kirkmyer, Director

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