
Essential Elements for a Clean Opinion

Ft. Bridget Collins, Chief of Finance and Accounting, Defense Threat Reduction Agency

In this episode of the "All Things Financial Management" podcast, presented by the Society of Defense Financial Management and Guidehouse, Bridget Collins, Chief of Finance and Accounting, Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA), sat down with host Tom Rhoads to discuss the latest ongoings in the financial management space. The pair discuss Bridget's pathway to her current role at DTRA, how the agency was able to produce a clean opinion in their second year of audit without an extension, and a memorable experience when she spent time in Afghanistan. Listen to this new episode to gain valuable insight. 



Bridget Collins' Story

Bridget Collins: You might be surprised to learn that I've spent the majority of my career as an auditor. I started my career right out of college working for PricewaterhouseCoopers in the federal practice as a financial statement auditor. And then as I transitioned into the government, I went to work at the Government Accountability Office where I was a financial auditor as well. 

And there, I focused my time on the Federal Financial Management Improvement Act. We had an annual report and a testimony that I would work on as well as doing a bunch of work with the Senate and House committees. But my seat there was actually amongst many others who were working on specifically DOD audits. And their enthusiasm about the Department of Defense and about the mission just really intrigued me. 


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