
Eight Critical Steps for a Successful AI Adoption

Robert Audet and Bob Dunmyer Interview with Forbes

Robert Audet and Bob Dunmyer of Guidehouse bring their experience to bear on essential steps to help your team adopt Artificial Intelligence (AI) initiatives. In an interview with Ganes Kesari, Forbes Contributor, they provide detailed advice on how companies can most effectively use data and analytics to deliver organizational value. 


Why Do Data Science Solutions Fail to Get Adopted?

In a bid to deliver organizational value from analytics, leaders often obsess over the kind of projects to choose or the technology needed to deliver them. While both of these are important, the elephant in the room is organizational inertia. Often, end users are unwilling to change their ways or are uninterested in learning how to use yet another tool. However, these are really symptoms of the problem, not the root cause.

In most cases a key challenge is that leaders do an ineffective job explaining why D&A is needed, how it will enable business goals, who should get involved, and what is expected of each stakeholder.

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