Case Study

Energy Efficiency Market Transformation Summit

Guidehouse facilitated a summit for ComEd to share insights on energy efficiency markets and market transformation initiatives


In Illinois, recent Future Energy Jobs Act legislation transferred market transformation program administration from the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity to the utilities in the state. Because of this shift, ComEd wanted to learn more about planning and executing market transformation programs. The utility asked Guidehouse to plan, convene, and facilitate a meeting of subject matter experts and practitioners of energy efficiency programs.


Guidehouse organized a Market Transformation Summit with the goal of answering three questions that represented issues to be addressed:

  • How does market transformation work in today’s energy efficiency portfolio?
  • What are the must-have components of a market transformation initiative?
  • What market transformation initiatives could be pursued in the Midwest today?

More than 30 regional utility experts, national utility experts, major industry associations, regional energy organizations, and municipal and regulatory experts participated, providing insights on energy efficiency markets and different approaches to market transformation initiatives.


The Market Transformation Summit was held in Chicago on Sept. 12-13, 2018. Guidehouse detailed key themes from the summit in a Market Transformation Summit Report. In addition, we developed a Regulatory Spotlight to highlight approaches to estimating energy savings from resources acquisition and market transformation programs.

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Jan Harris, Associate Director

Jeff Erickson, Director

Beth Davis, Associate Director

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