Case Study

Aligning Decarbonization Goals with Positive Impacts for Society

Guidehouse helped Eurelectric understand how a mix of EU decarbonization policies affected different regions and societal groups


Eurelectric, the industry body for Europe’s electricity companies, wanted to understand the positive and negative societal impacts of the EU’s decarbonization policies, as well as potential policy options that could be deployed to counteract any regressive effects.



Guidehouse identified the key policies required to achieve EU decarbonization and, with partner Cambridge Econometrics, modeled how the policies could affect different consumers and sectors of society, and how those effects varied across different regions and societal groups. 

The project examined how the mix of different policies impacts sectors and its effects on jobs, household income, and GDP. Through case study analysis of existing best practices, we identified practical policy recommendations to help reconcile potentially conflicting economic, environmental, and societal policy objectives. The policy package, including the mitigating policy measures were then remodeled. Throughout the process, findings were communicated, tested, and refined through consultations with stakeholders, including key policymakers from the European Commission. 



The final results demonstrated that the EU could achieve its decarbonization goals while creating positive impacts for society if certain measures were introduced. The results were launched at a webinar attended by over 500 stakeholders, with a keynote address from the EU Commissioner for Energy, Kadri Simson. The final report was published online and widely distributed through media channels. For more information, download the study.

Ian Trim, Director

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